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Setting Up Your Videos on HostStreamSell

The following sections detail the steps needed to setup your videos for use on your website

To see a video walk through of these steps watch this video

If you are looking for a video to test things out with try this from https://peach.blender.org/download/

  1. Click on the Videos dropdown menu
  2. Select Upload from the dropdown list
  3. Click the Select Video / Zip button and choose your video or zip file (the zip must contain video files only)
  4. Click the Start Upload button
  5. Wait for the upload to reach 100% and the screen to change to your list of videos where the video you just uploaded (or all of the videos from the zip) will be shown at the top of the video list

If you see any error messages please contact us with details

Encoding a newly uploaded video
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the video encoding button which is the first button the right column
  2. You will see details about your video, and various options for how your video, preview trailer, and thumbnail image will be created
  3. Enter the number of seconds into the video that you want your thumbnail image created from
  4. Enter the start time in seconds of your preview trailer, and the length in seconds
  5. Pick what encoding bit rate options you want for your video. Note that you can go back and create more later
  6. Press start Encoding button
  7. Once you have started your video encoding, you will now see an encoding image under the video encoding button until all encoding has finished
  8. Once all encoding is finished for this video you will see a green check under the video encoding button
Encode additional bitrates
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the video encoding button which is the first button the right column
  2. Check the box to the left of any additional bitrate encodes you would like to create and then press the Update button
Create a new thumbnail preview image
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the video encoding button which is the first button the right column
  2. Press the Create New Thumbnail button
  3. Enter the number of seconds into the video and then press Update at the bottom of the page
  4. Note that this does not set the video thumnail to this new thumbnail, you must then select this new thumbnail in the Change Thumbnail drop-down list and press again Update at the bottom of the page
Create a new video trailer
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the video encoding button which is the first button the right column
  2. Press the Create New Trailer button
  3. Enter the start time in seconds of your preview trailer, and the length in seconds
  4. Note that this does not set the video trailer to this new trailer, you must then select this new trailer in the Change Trailer drop-down list and press again Update at the bottom of the page
Update Your Video Details
  1. Once you have started your video encoding, you will now always see more options available for this video in the video list. The second button is for updating the title and description of your video
  2. Enter the text you want for the title and description and press Save

An access option is a way for you to configure what type of access someone has when you give them access to your video. You can have several access options for a video, each configured differently. For example, when you sell a video you will be referencing an access option so that our system knows what type of access to give this user and when access should stop (if you want to only allow access for a certain period of time). This is why you need to have at least one access option if you are selling access to this video through either the WordPress EasyDigitalDownloads plugin or the WordPress WooCommerce plugin. For the WordPress Embed plugin you do not need to configure access options, as you are specifically telling us to allow access each time a video is played.

Add Video Access Option
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the Access Options button which is the third button in the right column. The number below it shows how many access options are currently configured for this video
  2. You can enter a price value and leave the other options blank
  3. You will end up with an access option as shown below
  4. Press Done to return to your video list
  5. You should now see the access option number change
Edit Video Access Option
  1. Press the Edit button to the right of the access option
  2. This will show you the same form as when you originally added the access option
  3. Edit whichever options you need to and press Save
Delete Video Access Option
  1. Press the Delete button to the right of the access option
Add Video Subtitles
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the Subtitles button which is the fourth button in the right column. The number below it shows how many subtitle lanuages are currently configured for this video
  2. Select the Subtitle language for the file you are about to upload
  3. Press the Select File button
  4. Press the Upload button
  5. You should now see the subtitle file a table at the top of the page
  6. You can continue to add further subtitle files for other languages
Delete Video Subtitles
  1. When looking at your video list, click on the Subtitles button which is the fourth button in the right column. The number below it shows how many subtitle lanuages are currently configured for this video
  2. Press the delete link to the right of the subtitle language file you want to delete

If you require other languages than the ones listed please contact us and we will be happy to add

Groups are used to logically group videos together both for display purposes but also for providing access to multiple videos together as one item. Note that you need at least one video group and to assign your videos to this to work with either the WordPress EasyDigitalDownloads plugin or the WordPress WooCommerce plugin

Add Video Group
  1. Click the Video Groups menu dropdown and press Add
  2. Give the Group a name and description, and optionally a thumbnail image from your videos, and press Save
Add Videos To Group
  1. When you look at a Video Group in the Video Group list, you will see several options for this group
  2. Click the second option to assign videos to this video group. Note that the number below the button shows the number of videos currently assigned to this group
  3. Click the Select button above a video to add that video to this group, or Cancel to remove an already added video from a group. Note that a video can be added to multiple groups
  4. Press the Save button

When you save you will be brought to the display order screen for that video where you can drag and drop videos which you have assigned to this group to change the order they are referenced by the group. This is optional, and to have this order be used in your website may require adding some code. For EasyDigitalDownloads see here, for WooCommerce see here

Add Video Group Access Option

You can optionally add access options for your video groups if you intend to give access to your videos as a group, e.g. sell access to a group of videos as one item

This functions just as adding access options for a single video, please see the Add/Edit/Delete Video Access Options for details

Integrating With WordPress and EasyDigitalDownloads

In order for our plugin to automatically insert the video thumbnail image as the featured image for the video post on your website, the wp-content/uploads directory needs to exist and be writeable by the webserver. Read here for more details.

  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to Downloads and then click on Settings from the submenu
  2. Select the Misc tab
  3. Check checkbox for Disable Guest Checkout

This is because you need your customers to have an account when they purchase access to videos, so that we can add access for this user, and so access can be granted when this user comes back to your website

Install the HSS EasyDigitalDownloads plugin here
  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to Settings and then select HSS Admin fromthe submenu
  2. Enter Your API key. Your API key is emailed to you on signup, and is also available in your account on HostStreamSell.com in your Plans & Billing area
  3. Leave website reference as 0, unless you are already running another website with the same account on HostStreamSell.com where this reference provides a way to differentiate the different websites
  4. Set the video player size if you want to have a static video player size, leaving blank uses the width and height from the video
  5. Set the video player size if you want to have a static video player size on mobile devices. Leaving blank limits the size to a width of 320 pixels and height is calculated based on the video aspect ratio.
  6. If you would instead like to make the video player size be responsive then check this checkbox. This will make the width and height change according to the size of the area where the player sits
  7. If you have enabled responsive player width and height then you can specify a max width
  8. If you have purchased a JWPlayer license, then enter your license key here. This will remove the JWPlayer logo from the video player
  9. If you have video subtitles configured, you can set the font size of the subtitle text
  10. If you have a static width and height configured for the player, you can configure how the video will fill the player if the video width and height does not match the player. See the stretching section here for more details
  11. Logging should be set to NORMAL unless directed to change in order to troubleshoot an issue
  12. Checking the Disable updating video descriptions checkbox will cause any changes you make to the title and description of your videos on your website will not be over-written the next time you press the Update button to sync details of your videos on HostStreamSell.com
  13. You can add some text to be shown above the video player when showing a video trailer
  14. You can change or remove the text which is shown above the video player when showing a full video
  15. If you have changed any settings press the Save Changes button before the next step
  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to Settings and then select HSS Admin from the submenu
  2. To create or update the video products for sale on your website, press the Update button. You should do this any time you make changes to your videos or video groups on HostStreamSell.com, including adding new videos, video groups, or adding/editing/deleting access options to either

In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu go to Videos & Downloads, and select the video product which you want to add downloadable files to. In the Download Files section, add your files as is normal With EasyDigitalDownloads.

In your WordPress Admin dashboard create a page and add the following shortcode
[downloads]. Your video will be shown on this page. For more options see here

Read the installation instructions here, specifically look at the hss_edd_append_purchase_info_and_links function

  1. Create a new directory called edd_templates in your theme directory
  2. Copy the template file included with the HSS EasyDigitalDownloads plugin called history-downloads.php.txt to this edd_templates directory but rename to history-downloads.php. You should have something like wp-content/themes/[YOUR_THEME]/edd_templates/history-downloads.php
  3. Create a new WordPress page and add the following shortcode
  4. Add a link to this new page to your menu
Customize Checkout

Download this shortcode-receipt EDD template file to add a link to the video on checkout. Rename shortcode-receipt.php.txt to shortcode-receipt.php and place in wp-conte/themses/YOUR_THEME/edd_templates

Customize Email Receipt

Read the installation instructions here, specifically look at the custom_edd_email_tags function and the receipt template. To apply the receipt template,

Common Issues

Ensure you do not have another plugin with the JWPlayer activated as this can cause a conflict.

Ensure you created at least one Video Group in your account on HostStreamSell.com and assigned your videos to it.

Ensure you have pressed the Save Changes button before you press the Update button t o auto update your videos.

Ensure you press the Update button every time you add a new video, change a video's access options, create new video groups, or change what videos are assigned to a group.

Make sure there is no ther JWPlayer plugin activated such as "JW Player 6 Plugin for Wordpress" as this has been known to cause issues.

Integrating With WordPress and WooCommerce

In order for our plugin to automatically insert the video thumbnail image as the featured image for the video post on your website, the wp-content/uploads directory needs to exist and be writeable by the webserver. Read here for more details.

Go to http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/ and download and install the plugin

  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to WooCommerce and then click on Settings from the submenu
  2. Select the Checkout tab
  3. Ensure the checkbox for Enable Guest Checkout is not checked

This is because you need your customers to have an account when they purchase access to videos, so that we can add access for this user, and so access can be granted when this user comes back to your website

Install the HSS WooCommerce plugin here
  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to Settings and then select HSS WOO Admin from the submenu
  2. Enter Your API key. Your API key is emailed to you on signup, and is also available in your account on HostStreamSell.com in your Plans & Billing area
  3. Leave website reference as 0, unless you are already running another website with the same account on HostStreamSell.com where this reference provides a way to differentiate the different websites
  4. Set the video player size if you want to have a static video player size, leaving blank uses the width and height from the video
  5. Set the video player size if you want to have a static video player size on mobile devices. Leaving blank limits the size to a width of 320 pixels and height is calculated based on the video aspect ratio.
  6. If you would instead like to make the video player size be responsive then check this checkbox. This will make the width and height change according to the size of the area where the player sits
  7. If you have enabled responsive player width and height then you can specify a max width
  8. If you have purchased a JWPlayer license, then enter your license key here. This will remove the JWPlayer logo from the video player
  9. If you have video subtitles configured, you can set the font size of the subtitle text
  10. If you have a static width and height configured for the player, you can configure how the video will fill the player if the video width and height does not match the player. See the stretching section here for more details
  11. Logging should be set to NORMAL unless directed to change in order to troubleshoot an issue
  12. Checking the Disable updating video descriptions checkbox will cause any changes you make to the title and description of your videos on your website will not be over-written the next time you press the Update button to sync details of your videos on HostStreamSell.com
  13. The Add video access when order is in processing state option can be enabled if you want to add video access once the payment gets this far, as in some cases with WooCommerce the order can be stuck in this state
  14. You can add some text to be shown above the video player when showing a video trailer
  15. You can change or remove the text which is shown above the video player when showing a full video
  16. If you have changed any settings press the Save Changes button before the next step
  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to Settings and then select HSS WOO Admin from the submenu
  2. To create or update the video products for sale on your website, press the Update button. You should do this any time you make changes to your videos or video groups on HostStreamSell.com, including adding new videos, video groups, or adding/editing/deleting access options to either

When you installed the main WooCommerce plugin you should have had some pages created by default, one of which is the Shop page. This page will show your videos.

Download zip file here and copy this zip file to wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME/ and when you extract it it should create a woocommerce directory as well as three further directories within which contain the woocommerce templates. These add a simple instruction to click on the link to view the video. You can change this text by editing the created template files. These will enable adding a link to the purchase confirmation page and the email sent.

Read more on WooCommerce page templates at http://docs.woothemes.com/document/template-structure/

Common Issues

Ensure you do not have another plugin with the JWPlayer activated as this can cause a conflict.

Ensure you created at least one Video Group in your account on HostStreamSell.com and assigned your videos to it.

Ensure you have pressed the Save Changes button before you press the Update button to auto update your videos.

Ensure you press the Update button every time you add a new video, change a video's access options, create new video groups, or change what videos are assigned to a group.

Make sure there is no ther JWPlayer plugin activated such as "JW Player 6 Plugin for Wordpress" as this has been known to cause issues.

Integrating With WordPress and Any Membership Plugin

Install any membership plugin which can restrict WordPress pages.

Install the HSS Embed plugin here
  1. In your WordPress Admin dashboard menu, go to Settings and then select HSS Embed Admin from the submenu
  2. Enter Your API key. Your API key is emailed to you on signup, and is also available in your account on HostStreamSell.com in your Plans & Billing area
  3. Set the video player size if you want to have a static video player size, leaving blank uses the width and height from the video
  4. Set the video player size if you want to have a static video player size on mobile devices. Leaving blank limits the size to a width of 320 pixels and height is calculated based on the video aspect ratio.
  5. If you would instead like to make the video player size be responsive then check this checkbox. This will make the width and height change according to the size of the area where the player sits
  6. If you have enabled responsive player width and height then you can specify a max width
  7. If you have purchased a JWPlayer license, then enter your license key here. This will remove the JWPlayer logo from the video player
  1. From your account on HostStreamSell.com, go to your video list and click the video title link
  2. Copy or note down the Video Embed ID as shown
  1. Go to your WordPress page where you want to embed your video
  2. To embed the full video add a shortcode like [hss-embed-video videoid="848" version="full"], or to embed the trailer add a shortcode like [hss-embed-video videoid="848" version="trailer"]